Historic Events

Bingham’s Bicentennial 1812-2012

Binghamhad a very successful Bicentennial with a full week of well attended events. The Homecoming offered a chance for reuniting with old friends and classmates. Children's Day & Franco-American Festival were a huge success. The Historic Rides filled up and many interesting facts and stories were told. The parade was the best we have seen in many years. AND THE FIREWORKS! The Town of Bingham gives a huge Thank You to all the volunteers who helped make this the best Bicentennial we could have asked for.

Fireman's muster at Bingham's Bicentennial.
Man riding in a red convertible in the Bicentennial Parade.
Couple voted the Wisest Citizens.
Woman in period dress giving a high 5 to a Shriner.
Woman walking in the parade with a horse and carrying an American flag.
Couple sitting on a wagon pulled by draft horses.
Smoky the Bear.
Kennebec Float Away.

Great Bicentennial Kennebec Float Away

Bingham’s Bicentennial Fireworks

Bingham's 1962 Sesquicentennial

Sesquicentennial 1812 - 1962 Program.
Sesquicentennial Shaver Permit pin.
Sesquicentennial 1812 - 1962 pin.

Historic Pins

Program Cover Page

Bingham's 1912 Centennial

1812 -1912 Bingham Centennial Cover