Privacy & Disclosure Policy

I. Public Disclosure

All information collected on the Town of Bingham website will be treated the same as any written communication and is subject to the confidentiality and public disclosure provisions of 1 MRSA Chapter 13.

II. Personal Information

Personally identifiable information is information about a person that is readily identifiable to that specific individual.

  • Name

  • Street Address

  • Telephone Number

  • E-mail address

The Town of Bingham website does not collect personally identifiable information unless you voluntarily send an email message.

Email messages sent to the Town of Bingham will be treated the same as any other written communication. They may be subject to public inspection or legal disclosure and may be saved for a period of time before they are destroyed. Email addresses obtained as a result of a request to the Town of Bingham website will not be sold or given to private companies for marketing purposes.

III. Statistical Information

We may collect some or all of the following information about visitors who view or download information from our website: 

Information Definition
Date Date the visit occurred
Time Time the visit occurred
Client IP Unique internet protocol (IP) address of the website visitor. The IP address recorded is normall that of the visitor's internet service provider, e.g., if the visitor connects from an American Online account
Server IP Unique internet protocol (IP) address of the web server accessed
HTTP Status Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) error code. E.g., 404 Requested Page Not Found
HTTP Request URL Identifies the web page or file requested by the website visitor
Bytes Sent Amount of data sent from the web server to website visitor during that connection
Bytes Received Amount of data sent from the website visitor to the web server
User Agent Type of web browser or other client software that made request to the web server
Referrer Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that referred to the requested file
Protocol Version Version of HTTP used by the visitor's web browser software

The information we collect is used to improve the content of our web services and help us understand how people are using our services. We analyze our website logs to continually improve the value of the materials available on our site. The information in our website logs is not personally identifiable, and we make no attempt to link it with the individuals that browse our website. Some of this statistical information, such as a running count of the number of visitors, may be displayed on the website.

 IV. Cookies

We use cookies to monitor site usage and performance.

 V. Hyperlinks

Our website may link to other sites for informational purposes. Those sites, and any websites that may have linked to the Town of Bingham website, may have different privacy policies.

 VI. Information Disclaimer

The Town of Bingham has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in our website. However, due to the possibility of unauthorized access, data entry errors, changes made since the last website update, and other unforeseen errors, the information on this website should not be deemed reliable for legal purposes. Please contact us to verify the accuracy of the information.

 VII. Changes

If you have questions about this policy, please contact or call the Town at (207) 672-5519 or write to the Town of Bingham, PO Box 652, Bingham, ME 04920.

 VIII. Consent

By using our website, you signify your assent to our privacy policy. If you do not agree with any term in this policy, please do not use our website or submit any personally identifiable information.

 IX. Web Page Policy

The goal of The Town of Bingham website is to promote the Town of Bingham. This website is to provide information to residents and non-residents alike.

The Town of Bingham reserves the right to publish information that benefits the Town as determined by the Selectmen. The Town reserves all rights and privileges to decline from linking its webpage to other pages. The Town also reserves the right to decline posting of requested information. The Town may deny requests for postings or linking due to time restrictions, work load, ect. The Town also reserves the right to post promotional, public information regarding individuals and businesses to the betterment of all parties involved, including the Town of Bingham for a period of time and frequency as determined by the Selectmen. Any pictures posted and removed will be done at the discretion of the Town. Advertising space for profit businesses is not sold, purchased or endorsed by the Town.

The Town of Bingham reserves the right to change, amend, alter, or delete any part of this web page design policy with or without prior notice. The Town does not guarantee the accuracy of the information posted due to entry errors, changes etc.